Blog Archives

“Enjoy the Little Things…”

Enjoy the little things,
for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

~Robert Brault

via Slowing to See

Beyond Atlanta | Leaders Leading Leaders

creating a continual layer of leading leaders leading leaders

As I said earlier, I have “evolved” into leading leaders rather than just doing the ministry myself. The thing that really gets me in trouble is my lack of understanding administration and organizational flow charts. I don’t mind the details and planning side of administration, but asking someone to coordinate volunteers, sounds like something the children’s pastor is supposed to do because I’m paid. I know I need to get over it and get on with doing it more and more.

What’s interesting as one begins to lead leaders and not just hang out with kids is this: the deeper you get, the wider you need to get. This goes back to organizational flow charts and my lack of understanding them. I try to manage all these various teams of leaders. And what I need to figure out is how to train and inspire a few leaders to lead those leaders. I will never be good at caring adequately for volunteers, myself. However, with a few others leading those teams, I can be, because I’m not solely responsible for the continual depth of volunteers I hope to get in the coming future. I can connect and care for those leaders who then lead others.

Again, I don’t necessarily know how to actively implement this, but it will be an ongoing conversation/discussion piece with the people I serve with.