Blog Archives

Followers | The EDGE Waterpark Adventure (video)

The Followers students venture up to The EDGE Waterpark in Duluth, MN on Sunday, May 22, 2011. We spent the entire afternoon and evening @ the waterpark which included the bus ride there and back. Good times!


Bible Verses @ Followers | 2010-2011

Followers Swimming Event (video)


Followers Sledding @ the Yoder’s (video)

This past Sunday, February 13, 2011, we invited all of the Followers and their families to sled at the Yoder’s home. As the video below shows, we had a great time!

Skate City Trip | Followers (video)

Followers Skate City adventure outing, Sunday, January 16, 2011 from 12:30-5:00pm.

A Day in the Life of Followers (video)

Followers is an after school program held every other Monday @ Hayward Wesleyan Church. On October 25, 2010, I took the camera around during the program and snapped shots of the students while they were in their various stations. The video above is a snapshot of “a day in the life of Followers”.

Hayride @ the Yoder’s Event (video)

Last Sunday evening (10.10.10), we took the Followers (Kindergarten through 5th grade) out to the Yoder’s property and had a hayride available for half the group, while the other half ran through the cornfield, bobbed for apples, stuffed a scarecrow, and ran around. Then we switched groups. Then we had a campfire with smores and water to drink. All in all we had about 65 students in attendance and 15 or so adults.

We ran this event for the Followers in conjunction with a movie Pastor Mark wanted to show: “I Am”. It was a neat way to synchronize what we are continually doing with the children’s ministry to coincide with an adult event.

source YouTube

Spray Painting a Van

I don’t recommend this, but it was sure fun!

This past weekend we had our first Followers Adventure Outing here at the church. Angie Lundsten and her husband, Tigger, came up with some amazingly messy and creative “activities” to play. One activity was a bowlful of chocolate-soaked, maple-syrup-dipped, rubber bands and a subsequent rubber band fight! It was very sticky!

Another station was spray painting a junked minivan. Tigger runs a junkyard and provided a minivan for the students to spray paint to their hearts content. It was awesome! The children were jaw-dropped that they were “allowed” to do this! Their parents said, “Now you’re going to tell them that they can’t normally do this, right?”

I don’t know if we would ever do this again, what with the haze of spray paint all around as the students COVERED this vehicle. I don’t think it was incredibly safe. But it was really fun, and the students (and their parents)(AND ME) had a blast doing it!